Aprisa SR+ Migration Master Station

The Aprisa Master Station (MMS) provides smooth migration from legacy radio networks to next generation Aprisa SR+ SCADA radio networks utilizing existing frequencies and antenna infrastructure. From the very first remote radio replacement enjoy market leading Aprisa radio features in terms of speed, coverage, security, IP, and advanced management options. Your network is no longer limited to performing in a crippled backward compatibility mode.
Aprisa SR+

Smart, secure, industry-leading speed licensed point-to-point for lining and backhaul of industrial monitoring and control and DRM voice
Remote control, monitoring, and site security applications throughout a range of public safety, critical infrastructure, and utility industries.
Aprisa SR+ PTP Applications:
Point-to-multipoint radio base station to SCADA master station linking
Aprisa SR+ Point-to-point

Smart, secure, industry-leading speed licensed point-to-point for lining and backhaul of industrial monitoring and control and DRM voice
Remote control, monitoring, and site security applications throughout a range of public safety, critical infrastructure, and utility industries.
Aprisa SR+ PTP Applications:
Point-to-multipoint radio base station to SCADA master station linking
Aprisa SRi

Utility-grade unlicensed radio for Aprisa edge-of-network extension and other short range applications
Aprisa SRi Application Deployment:
On site applications: intra-substation, MV substation automation, water treatment plants, single and multi-well pads
Aprisa LTE Modem

Smart, secure, industry-leading 3GPP LTE communications for critical infrastructure monitoring and control for the electricity, water, oil and gas industries. Hardened LTE for both mission and business critical applications.